Strange Bedfellows:
There is more to this case than a mere Civil Suit -- I know because I have read several documents from Boston City Hall staff to DOC upper management. In any event, should such a suit be filed, it is not designed to address the "more" piece because that responsibility rests with Commonwealth Governor Deval Patrick and AG (and Senate Hopeful) Martha Coakley. The Civil Suit would most likely be against the Herald and Jessica Van Sack, and I don't exactly see them trying to implead the Commonwealth as a necessary party if you catch my drift, he-heh can't bite the hand that feeds you. They will take this one for the Team, so to speak.
Fortunately a little birdy tells me that Governor Patrick is about to take swift and decisive action here because Community Affairs Director Ron Bell told him all about the case, and he has promoted Mary Beth Heffernan to his cabinet as Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS). He no doubt made this appointment because Ms. Heffernan has the sort of direct experience required to help clean up the Massachusetts Correctional System:
After all, Ms. Herrernan has first hand knowledge of this situation as noted in this 29 April, 2009 email between Ms. Heffernan and Ms. Marinova, and I am told she has been poised to take action but was waiting for her formal appointment to the Governor's cabinet, which happened at the close of the year. She wrote:
"Hi, I apologize for not responding sooner. Absolutely, I would be more than happy to receive any information regarding the DOC that you feel would be helpful...."Therefore whatever purported Bad Blood is going on between Governor Patrick's appointee Harold Clarke (related ACLU request for information) and Commissioner James Bender (related litigation here) needs to get sorted, pronto, so that the Public can find out what really happened here -- and so that appropriate punishment be meted out to all of those who broke the Law in divulging this CORI information to the media, again see Globe Newspaper Co. v. District Attorney for Middle Dist., 439 Mass. 374, 788 NE2d 513 (2003).
Divide and Conquer:
Of the nine (9) men involved in the reform project, only four (4) remain together at Old Colony. Interesting.
Here's the rub:
They are always conducting inquiries and issuing reports (The Harshbarger -- you know him, the former AG -- Report 2004) (Future Search 2009) & (Boston Foundation 2009) a ton of lip service -- some of it well-intentioned, but when somebody does something about it they catch Defamation (Marinova and Jones) or retaliation, like Jones and former Commissioner Kathleen Dennehy, a 30-year veteran. She had a videotape of a cop kicking a prisoner in the face, she fired the guy and the DOC did nothing to support her position and he was resinstated. She stood up to the Union and wrote a letter to Governor Patrick imploring him inter alia, to get truly independent real investigation into abuses like this. Look how far we’ve come!
Addendum on Joanna Marinova's Potential Civil Claims:
Her neighbors are about to write Affidavits that Channel 7 walked up to them, unsolicited, and said they wanted to interview her because she had sex with an inmate. I've seen her paperwork and without getting into that publicly, I am 99% certain she lost valuable career opportunities and opportunities to help the community because of this. Similarly, I will not divulge the health consequences that she may have proximately occasioned because of this fiasco. Stay tuned.
By the way Darrell Jones maintains his innocence and he is actively taking steps right now to address that. I'll not delve into that in this space.
ReplyDeleteNo motive, no real identification......
Don't look now.... oh, strike that.
ReplyDeleteBrown Rudnick is looking, you better believe it.
Oh, they represent the Herald.
No worries, heck I'll tell them right now:
Look guys, unlike your client, we operate in the Open as there is nothing to hide about the facts that we have.
Best regards,
-The Editor.
magnify this user Brown Rudnick Berlack Isreals Llp ( [Label IP Address]
4th January 2010 14:43:30 Page View www.google.com/search?hl=en&ei=z0RCS_vxFo-m8AaU8KCJBw&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&ved=0CAYQBSgA&q=touch fm boston.blogspot&spell=1
4th January 2010 14:44:02 Page View touchfmboston.blogspot.com/
4th January 2010 14:45:20 Page View touchfmboston.blogspot.com/2009/12/will-boston-herald-and-jessica-van-sack.html
4th January 2010 14:47:56 Page View No referring link
4th January 2010 14:49:09 Page View No referring link
4th January 2010 14:54:44 Page View www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=touchfmboston.blogspot.com&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
4th January 2010 14:54:59 Exit Link http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/20100104murder_trial_request_targets_cops_court_attire/srvc=home&position=3
4th January 2010 14:55:14 Page View www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=touchfmboston.blogspot.com&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
4th January 2010 14:55:41 Page View touchfmboston.blogspot.com/
4th January 2010 17:48:36 Page View www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22joanna marinova%22&start=10&sa=N
And oh, they must know the value of a GIR (Good Internet Read) because they take their time up in here, like it was a country club or something.
ReplyDeleteVisit Length:
4th January 2010
3 hours 5 mins 6 secsAnd oh, they must know the value of a GIR (Good Internet Read) because they take their time up in here, like it was a country club or something.
Visit Length:
4th January 2010
3 hours 5 mins 6 secs
IE 6.0
IE 6.0
PS: Now having visited Darrell, the only thing that I observed other than his integrity is the FACT that EVERYBODY kisses and hugs during visitation, and I don't mean sibling kisses, I mean soul kisses that you give your lover.
ReplyDeleteRead the Discipline Ticket against Mr. Jones nothing that he kissed and hugged Ms. Marinova.
They are singling him out, so I am going to single out who's doing the singling.
Of course I'm sure I'll have help in this quest for Justice from larger media with additional resources, Governor Patrick, for whom I have volunteered, Commissioner Clarke and Mary Beth Heffernan, whose email directly tells Ms. Marinova to bring it on.
She did, and she got clobbered along with Darrell Jones and everybody who cares about Prison reform and Justice.
Listen to me say it on the radio/YouTube interview; it's No Word of a Lie.
Now is the time.
-The Editor.
The D-Ticket showing DISMISSAL of sexual acts charge -- and which doesn't even mention Ms. Marinova, so she couldn't have been "bagged" for anything, as noted in the radio show/YouTube audio.
ReplyDelete-The Editor.
The Herald downloaded the D-Ticket on 5 Jan 2010:
ReplyDeleteHost Name
bostonherald-br0.cust.e xpedient.com
IP Address [Label IP Address]
5th January 2010 13:35:44 Page View www.google.com/search?q=joanna marinova and darrell jones&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1
5th January 2010 13:36:14 Download http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_PQbVMfpHJBg/SzZTbZ2OABI/AAAAAAAAB0Q/vJ-vrj3IB2Q/s1600-h/Darrell_1.jpg
5th January 2010 13:36:14 Download http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_PQbVMfpHJBg/SzZTbZ2OABI/AAAAAAAAB0Q/vJ-vrj3IB2Q/s1600-h/Darrell_1.jpg
5th January 2010 18:45:18 Page View No referring link
5th January 2010 18:45:46 Page View touchfmboston.blogspot.com/
10th January 2010 12:15:47 Page View No referring link
10th January 2010 13:20:20 Page View No referring link