Governor Patrick -- for whom I have volunteered -- specifically told me that there would be an investigation. Three weeks ago he specifically said (watch the dang video)
"I don't want a prison system shrouded in secrecy."
Well now is the time to step forward and act on it, or call me back at least. Marybeth Heffernan knew all about this way back in The Day, click on the email to read it. She's more than familiar with the issue, but still remains mired in inertia. Sandra McCoomb (direct reports to Heffernan) spoke with me on Tuesday and said she was unfamiliar with the case but would holler back by today but despite my three (3) calls into her office, I never heard "Boo!." Why can't anyone tell me who is heading up the investigation? Pastor Dickerson would like to know as well.
I specifically told them back in January.
Listen: The s*** is about to hit the fan next week, and it's more than meets the eye and more than I have ever let on here. At that time they will wish they had responded.
PS: Did you know that when Governor Patrick toured the facilities he never actually met with Darrell Jones? Perhaps now would be a time appropriate, considering the documented history of what Mr. Jones has done to combat violent crime. Documents and an entire website going up this weekend on that, and his underlying trial transcript will be posted soon as well, time to air out the dirty laundry......But I digress: For the Governor to publicly say that he's going to conduct an investigation, that puts substantial heat on Darrell, he's living in a fishbowl and swimming with sharks. But then not to conduct one, or not to even be able to articulate who's heading up the investigation, does not bode well. Pastor Dickerson would like to know more too.
PPS: Did you know that The Globe sales are down at the prisons? Well they are, and I could tell you why. And I will. It's because the union and the Herald are so tight, the inmates get the Globe a coupla' days late, consistently. So they opt out of the Globe Plan and wind up with the bogus coverage from the same paper who just paid millions to Judge Murphy for Defamation, a paper that showed no shame in calling a former DOC Superintendent "Boone the Coon."
That's okay. We've got something for their butts, and we're gonna' punctuate it with a giant "Boo-Yah!"
KingCast: Real news for real people.
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