Sooo..... Davey Kenney and I just approved the working title of our production, an Ode to Bowfinger! Images and a short KingCast trailer coming soon. As I said three (3) years ago, only I have the inside footage of certain things and certain people want me to help them put their voices forward, so, hey, that's what I'm going to do. True enough, anyone can make a documentary and I look forward to the Bad Blood production as it is overall a Wonderful Thing, but only I can make the movie that we're about to make up here in North Country, and everyone knows it. I make movies about Franconia..... from Franconia.
Meanwhile these are some blokes I met on the way up this morning, imagine two 650Rs, a 636, a 300ZX Turbo, a WRX and a Chevy Corvette heading northbound into Bruce McKay Highway errrrrr..... I-93. Didja' know that on the Tuesday the week prior, Bruce McKay drove on to the skating rink in an unnecessary and threatening manner to disperse the Youth, even though there were no posted hours that they were violating. TIme for another KingCast RSA 91-A request, let's see how long it takes to provide the incident reports this time.....
KingCast: A triple Ninja throwing star for Justice.
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