Look: The cats who attacked Jason Vassell have a history of racially-motivated activities. Two years ago to the day at UMASS Amherst John Bose and Jonathan Bosse started with racial taunts and epithets, broke his ground-floor window, and rushed inside his dorm room and broke his nose, all because he was chillin' with a white girl. In self defense, after repeatedly telling these scumbags not to advance, he slashed them with a pocket knife. Good for him, it's called the Castle Doctrine, MGL 278 8A and had two black men attacked a white man I'm Sheibel probably would have applied it.
But racist Prosecutor Elizabeth Scheibel's office -- who has a history of prosecuting black men who defend themselves against racist white men -- has thrown the book at Jason Vassell and he faces up to 30 years for his "crimes" while she sought only minimal punishment against his attackers. No destruction of property, no public intoxication, no trespassing, etc. etc.
As a former NAACP Legal Chair I say the NAACP should get involved, after all they just prevailed in Maryland, obtaining a Court Order for 10,000 documents concerning racial profiling.
I won't be able to make the vigil tonight but I hope they send me a YouTube video to post. Also I am still trying to find out where the case sits as far as the Supreme Court Order to provide five years of prosecution data that may show disparate treatment of blacks, particularly black males. The next protest is not going to occur at night, because if there is another protest I'm going to organize it for broad daylight, march right into that office and lay it on the line, yessir. And one of the LE involved, specifically one Lieutenant Thrasher, appropriately enough, shows his racist tendencies when he calls Mr. Vassell "A Donkey drug dealer" when in fact he was an honor student, community volunteer and first of his family to attend college. Lieutenant Thrasher is no different than another dirtbag LE in Boston named Justin "Jungle Monkey" Barrett, who had better be fired this week.
As a former LE Attorney, I hate pigs like you because you wreck The Game for responsible Officers, and you need to get gone.
My Caucasian brother in law said it best: "These two white men and that Prosecutor disgrace my race."
From Judge Carhart's 7 Oct. 2009 ORDER clarifying his preliminary ORDER compelling production of the 5 years of similar cases. It was this ORDER that was unsuccessfully appealed by the DA's Office:
In a 7 May 2006 case a black man named Demian Vennell went to aid another black man David Gern, who was being beaten by several white men.
The surveillance camera showed Vennell pulling people away from the crowd and a white male allegedly hit with a flashlight by Vennell claimed that he fell (he was highly intoxicated).
None of the whites were charged with anything and 4/5ths of the arrests that night were black men.
Par for the course, eh.
-The Editor.
Major Press and so many so-called black leaders afraid to call a spade a spade....
ReplyDeleteThis case is heinous.
In fact, it doesn't get much worse than this but everybody sits still on the Boston Plantation, head-noddin' and yassah' nossah'....
And not returning phone calls....
Put on your Sunday go-to-meetin' clothes and do your best to please the oppressor.....
While you try to leave the others behind, like crabs in a bucket.
Your day will come soon and you will all be exposed for the poseurs you are, and you will drown like crabs in a bucket.
If you're not a poseur, take no offense.
You know who you are.
-The Editor.