From the epic Emily Rooney/Beat the Press Post:
Note: Dan Kennedy raises an important point about confidentiality of sources at 2:57 but really the problem is that it's a CORI violation AND a confidential source. That violation of the Law is all the Court needs to ORDER production of the witness, I have provided legal analysis of this already, duh. Globe Newspaper Co. v. District Attorney for Middle Dist., 439 Mass. 374, 788 NE2d 513 (2003) read para. 5. But Jessica Van Sack may indeed find herself in the exact same situation that Toni Locy was in, facing contempt of court charges in that $5.8M Settlement in Hatfill v. NYTimes, infra, for failing to name confidential sources BECAUSE OF THE ILLEGALITY INVOLVED in the Herald case. Hell everyone knows I'm all about Reporter's Privilege but as Michelle Malkin pointed out:
Judge Walton had some cautionary words for journalists on Tuesday, but he saved his harshest judgments for the unidentified officials who linked Dr. Hatfill to the anthrax investigation in the news media.
“There’s not a scintilla of evidence to suggest Dr. Hatfill had anything to do with it,” the judge said, yet the public notoriety has “destroyed his life.”
Which is exactly what Jessica Van Sack and the other merry band of illegal pranksters did to Joanna Marinova. And all of them are going to pay for that in as many legal ways as we can find.
KingCast: Viva the First Amendment, viva the Fourth Estate.
Related KingCast Jam: Well surprise, surprise it's Gang of Four again, as heard in the Boston/Marinova/Pastor Dickerson/Herald No Coincidence post. This time of course they're performing "Anthrax."
Funniest other no-coincidence, "Anthrax" is the song that immediately precedes "Ether" on the Entertainment album. Ether is the song on the other post, and it's about prison abuse, specifically H Block Long Kesh, see my Bobby Sands (RIP) post from 4 years ago about that government beat down.