At some point Brother Charles purportedly told someone else to ask me to disavow any association, so this blog is now about my experiences and what SHOULD be covered by TOUCH 106.1 FM but which are not. I am critical of the station and of Brother Charles so this blog is covered by Fair Use. Visit King's 1st Amendment Page: Reel news for real people.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
KingCast presents: Disorder in the Court part deux.... folks stand around and pursue Justice with dogged determination.
Sooooo.... here is Disorder in the Court part un. Soooo.... here are some scenes from this morning's Probable Cause hearing on Robert O'Connell, the bloke who allegedly shot area Jake Joseph Fasano shortly after Fasano was hanging out with Jennifer Bynarowicz while she was blowing rails. Anyway, Judge Diane Moriarty, (yes THIS Judge Moriarty from my Boston Bob days) told counsel at sidebar they need to tell DA Brian Wilson to get his ass in gear and get those ballistics and latent print materials into court because there will be no more continuances. Hearing set for 20 May. For his part, Defense counsel Jerry McGlone is beside himself, rifling through paperwork in search of The Answer. It's a shit case and the State knows it. Who are they gonna' call to testify, a coked-up, drunken witness? And Joey Fasano reportedly had cocaine on his face as well. Sad.
Also, I had not met Mr. O'Connell until today. My impression of the guy leads me to believe he doesn't have a record, definitely not one of violence at least. I think he knew who was coming after him, flipped out, panicked and shot the guy. Attempted murder that does not make, especially if he knew who it was and knew of his violent past.
Who's that brown brother you ask? Well he's none other than Max Felix, a guy who was wrongfully accused of a crime months ago, it was a case of mistaken identity and he is STILL waiting to get the case dismissed. Nobody has The Answers for him. Sad.
As to the road rage case, listen up to my radio show on the matter, along with a little (well actually a LOT) of comic relief....
TOUCH 106.1 FM claims to be community-minded and to recognize the universal need for social, legal, political and economic fairness for all people.
To that end, TOUCH 106.1 FM has sponsored events or worked with many organizations and corporations.
.......... However, ultimately, the Station does not support any continued and intensive investigation into troubling socio-political issues.
......I was a co-host of many evening drive-time shows called "TOUCH Beat" that received little to no support from Brother Charles, a former Law Enforcement Officer as am I. For some reason, however, he often acts like a gatekeeper but I push the issues with color commentary and in-court video.
C'est la vie.
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