Sunday, January 31, 2010
Dan Talbot murder trial 1 Feb 2010: Put the guns down!!! -- Jury's out, can the State's case survive the weakest links?
Here is supplemental video of Joshua Buxbaum, there is more video and analyis here, owing to graphic content of the other video.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
KingCast asks why did the Court refuse production of the Revere video to Daily Item; I won the right to review the Franconia, NH Bruce McKay dash cam.
Judge rules against Daily Item in Talbot murder tape case
LYNN - A Suffolk Superior Court Judge has ruled against The Daily Item in its attempt to force Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel Conley to release a public surveillance video taken the night that Revere Police Officer Daniel Talbot was shot and...
3.8K - Apr. 2, 2008; scored 618.0
But here's what happened when I sued for the actual Bruce McKay VHS tape, which will undergo further analysis as noted at the Casey Sherman "Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountains" book launch post. What happened was, I won. Just the facts, please.
Regarding the video of the 5/11 dash cam:
"[KingCast] may copy the original video under supervision of custodial police authority."
And the AG's office got dinged for failing to provide protocol regarding homicide investigations:
"The Court has reviewed the cases and affidavits on which the Attorney General's office relied in originally denying the Petitioner access to its protocols for investigation of a homicide and finds that such withholding was not justified."There is almost always a coverup and no discipline when LE shoot each other, take a look at the crazy case in Concord, NH where a cop shot another cop at a closed credit union, and they didn't even get cited for trespass, nothing. Idiot AG and current U.S. Senate hopeful Kelly Ayotte says "It's All Good!"
And here is an additional concern, this will be interesting because by his comments in this blog and at the Revere blog, some wise-ass seems to think that I did something wrong the other day in Court. I did not, so I'll put that wise ass right back in his place. Here's The Deal Mr. Wise Ass, pull up a chair so I can take you back to school:
Friday, January 29, 2010
KingCast tells Jessica Van Sack and Channel 7 News: Todd & Weld sure do have some Pretty Proteas!

What's also beautiful is that you racist right-wing fascist journo-thugs who think you can get away by trying to attack Gloria Fox and anybody else working for prison reform -- and even violate CORI are about to get a rude awakening.
And guess what? I'll be there with a 16 Gig video card to record each and every moment of courtroom activity, much as I did with my ground-breaking and relentless coverage of the pending case of State v. Iacoviello, the Dan Talbot Murder Trial series. See you in Court, I'm sure the Phoenix and the Weekly Dig and perhaps the Boston Globe, now that I have educated them on the issue, will be there to lambaste you too. They will be welcome to use my video and pictures free of charge to make your transgressions an indelible record in the minds of Americans LOL :)
PS: Wonder what y'all call me in the back rooms of your little rag. If "Boone the Coon" was appropriate for DOC Commissioner John Boone (last paragraph) you can just call me "King N*gg*r" or how about "HNIC?" Or better yet, the Spook Who Sat by the Door, ahem.
PPS -- Today's Channel 7 Urban Update: And Channel 7 don't think you're getting out from under my watchful eye either because right when I moved here in 2001 I heard about you canning this very show, along with everybody black including Garry Armstrong, Victoria Jones despite 50 years of experience. You eliminated ALL public affairs programs that might have any substantial touch on the black community so to me, yah, you're an anti-n****' machine totally. Last year you even had your unwitting accomplice and token negro Byron Barnett in on the game -- against a progressive black woman named Representative Gloria Fox -- sending him out to Ms. Marinova's community to seek interviews from her neighbors because "she had sex with an inmate..." She told me when she saw Mr. Barnett for the taping he about looked like he saw a ghost.
It will be a crowning segment of my career if Todd & Weld sues you because I'll be there every step of the way at every single public appearance you and your counsel make to show it all right here. I have nothing but 100% contempt for your actions in this matter.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
KingCast tells Martha Coakley's Mass Division of Banks: Cat Gibbons has her ducks lined up. You got yours?
I spoke with Ms. Gibbons today.
Response to MCAD: Check.
Packets off to counsel: Check.
And that's all you need to know.
Well not really: I hear tell of some more Real Estate Indictments coming down, from a very reliable source. Y'all gonna make a run at her there, too? I dare you. And if not, why not -- if she so clearly broke the law. You've braided your own rope guys, now we'll watch you strangle in it.
Here it is at
Response to MCAD: Check.
Packets off to counsel: Check.
And that's all you need to know.
Well not really: I hear tell of some more Real Estate Indictments coming down, from a very reliable source. Y'all gonna make a run at her there, too? I dare you. And if not, why not -- if she so clearly broke the law. You've braided your own rope guys, now we'll watch you strangle in it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dan Talbot murder trial 28 Jan. 2010: The Wait of the World -- Closing Arguments and a KingCast gift to Judge Patrick Brady.

Some of you keen readers will recall that I put information in a KingCast YouTube murder trial video that was highly favorable of some things I had heard about Officer Talbot doing in the days before his death.
Well veteran reporter Seth Daniels has shared that information with me and with his authorization I am going to reproduce a story he wrote about him when he charged several individuals of "interfering with any right or privilege by Constitution or laws of the Commonwealth."
I'll post it later today, in fact.
UPDATE: No I won't. There is much more going on and much more that I am reading. I will post something about this issue in the next several days, however. For now here is the most recent Revere Journal story on the case.
EVENING NEWS: Krupp, always animated, like most Defense/Civil Rights attorneys. Zabin, always steely calm, like most DAs. I could give you the roll call on those present, but suffice it to say that everyone's there. Well almost everyone. Conspicuous by his absence is one Evan Franklin. What was that show... I know... Baaa Baaa Black Sheep, but an ace pilot (or LE) he is not.
NOTE: Gift at bottom (it's a virtual gift, I discussed the picture frame concept with a court Deputy today and realized that even a paperweight given might be considered an impropriety). I also conferenced with Thor from the Daily Item about the matter of blogger/mainstream press in the Court, and I plan to work together with people like him, Judge Brady and other insightful people to craft a reasonable set of Rules for the future. Together, We Can.
Anyway, on to the closing arguments as set forth by Attorneys Krupp, Davis and Zabin, in that order:
Krupp/Iacoviello: Has the Commonwealth explained why, -- the have – if the shot was fired from the high school Daniel Talbot fell forward Not a single witness explained that. Might Evan Franklin, who ran after the incident, hitched a ride with Robert Impemba… and concealed the fact that he was at the high school have had a gun on him that he fired back at the kids hitting Daniel Talbot? I know Evan Franklin denied it, but would he admit it? The physical evidence says that was the positioning of Daniel Talbot’s body after he was hit.
Evan Franklin had a number of guns at his house, but you have to take his word for what those guns were. The police didn’t search his house, they didn’t confiscate or check any of his guns except for his service weapon that was in Soto’s truck….. Lieutenant Condit offered they couldn’t search his house because they didn’t have Probable Cause, but given Franklin’s actions didn’t they have Probable Cause? but there are other ways to search too. Lieutenant Murphy told you… they could have asked Evan Franklin for permission to search his house. Did they ask? Did he deny access. I want to discuss the integrity of the crime scene….. This investigation violated standard procedures in so many ways that it seriously undermines the evidence collected and the inferences you can draw from that evidence…..
Davis/Heang: “There are so many deals being cut and lies being told it’s hard to ferret out where the Truth is….. in order for it to be a gun within the meaning of the statute it has to be work. It was not operable, it was in pieces……Defendant Heang was there watching the master, Michael Picardi, disassemble that weapon. We know about Tommy Papandrea – we know he was involved in the shooting and he bears some responsibility but he was given a pass and you are entitled to consider that.”
Zabin/Commonwealth: “Cynicism is understandable…. Ignore the hyperbole and the appeal to cynicism. Those kinds of unsupported allegations have n place in a murder trial….. Billy Soto should never have removed those guns. But to take from that and to assume there was evidence tampering is an assumption made without any evidentiary foundation….. Tommy Papandrea stood up to every question that was asked of him and explained why he did it…..Defendant was destroying evidence, and asking people to lie for him. Whose DNA is on the gun…. it was Gia Nagy – this man’s girlfriend is the one destroying the murder weapon.”
Whatever the verdict may be, when I spoke with Officer Talbot's mother again (she spoke first with Kind Voice and it almost took me by surprise) -- and various other members of the family as I held the door for them on exit -- I looked them straight in the eye and said "God bless you." They know I meant it and I know they understand that I mean no ill will toward their son. I have lost two clients and a friend to gun violence, and those were the Worst Days of my Life, not to mention everyone else involved. Your only solace is that they went relatively quickly. People please, please learn from this, LE and Youth together and Quash the Violence (yah, lawyers say "Quash," sorry about that but squash is something you saute for omelets).
It was an interesting day on the 650R. Turns out someone close to the case rides the Baby Ninja, a 250. My friend, don't buy a Harley yet, I'll let you ride the 650R and think about what a well-balanced machine it is, it's better all around than a 636, shizzle. This is my friend Pat's bike, a Special Edition look closely at the tank. If you like cornering buy that Harley on the next round :)

Dear Judge Brady:
I hope this note and printed pics find you in Good Spirits. This has been a somewhat arduous trial for everyone involved, and I thought I would take time to thank you for your professionalism and allowing me to share my observations and perspectives on this case as a daily blogger, a groundbreaking activity in this area. I thank you not only for my opportunity, but in advance for all who follow.
As to perspectives, here's one you don't see often from your position:
The Art Deco facade over your right shoulder. I gave you three colors so you can change the pictures in the frame to suit your present mood, this way everybody may be forewarned:
Blue = Bad Hair Day, get your flame suit ready.
Neutral = Proceed with Caution.
Golden = Absolutely Counselor, I'll grant that Motion and Award Attorney Fees!
Kindest regards,
Christopher King, J.D.
PS: For what it's worth Your Honor, regardless of where the Jury comes out, I find this to be the most compelling testimony of the entire trial, coming from a disinterested source who works with LE often and who took contemporaneous notes:
Dan Talbot murder trial 27 Jan 2010: Wait a minute... How does that Soto casing wind up so precipitously poised on a bottle of Gatorade?
Not so much going on, really. Just Chief Reardon being grilled by Krupp on why he never wrote a report or took any notes in response to the things that Officer Soto was telling him about the suspects and the events. He also made issue of the fact that the Chief only recently changed his statement about who handed him Officer Talbot's gun. The Chief subsequently told me in the hallway "If they had asked me to write a report back then I would have done so... as I said, it was a hot crime scene at the time."
Prosecutor Zabin then elicited testimony from the Chief that his role as Chief is not to issues such reports but to monitor others, and to make sure that the State Police took over the investigation. That still leaves the issue of the fact that there wasn't much integrity at the crime scene in terms of accessibility. No one knows who entered or left the area and when, and I know Krupp is going to hammer that point in closing arguments tomorrow vis a vis the two 9mm casings that were found in plain view in an area that was arguable subject to prior line search.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm not the appointing authority. It was a different Mayor at the time, and I had to make a recipe but I didn't get to pick my ingredients."
.....In response to my question "How was it that Evan Franklin made it back to the force after he ran from a two-car accident and was expelled as a cadet?" I have it on information that it was because certain people aligned with Franklin and his fleeing cohort Todd Randall (read the comments) were contributors to the Mayor's campaign, so there was a quid pro quo thing going on.
MY SYNOPSIS: The case hinges on three key things, two specific and one general. Specifically there was credible testimony that a guy in the red sweatshirt -- who left and returned -- fired the first shot. Also I believe the only people to put the gun in Robert Iacoviello's hand were less-than-credible witnesses, one who even asked Krupp on X/E "Are you inferring that I read the paper and made up a story?" Interestingly, when watching that exchange on FOX I believe it was, they cut out the laughter from the Jury and the courtroom observers. Generally the Defense will carry the day with an Not Guilty Verdict if they can show that there were breaches in the standard of investigative care that were material to the investigation. If the Jury doesn't believe it, then the State will get a Guilty Verdict. In the hallway Chief Reardon stated to the Globe's Maria Cramer, "I think the evidence is overwhelming."
I'm sorry, but not to this observer it isn't. It could go either way but to me the Defense has a slight edge, particularly with the testimony from Paramedic Kraft. Vids to follow throughout the balance of the evening, including a most interesting proffer by Michael Racca, who told me in the elevator, "The thing is to me, you've got, what, 6 grown policemen there that night....."
That's a picture of Attorney Krupp before the tailgate of William Soto's pickup truck, where DNA was collected showing Soto positive on a Heineken, Franklin on a Miller Light, and Officer Talbot positive on a Snapple, a Bud Light and a Miller Light. Only one still camera in the courtroom is allowed, so I can take screen captures later or just rip them from the camera off the computer, whatever works. Anyway, earlier in testimony Soto said he had no idea how those empty beers got there.
I am somewhat relieved to discover that Michael Racca, life long friend of Derek Lodie, testify that it was Lodie who used the work "nigger" in response to the derogatory comments from the bleachers issued by Officer Talbot. "Fuck you crab-assed niggers" was the actual phrase as stated before the Grand Jury. I'm somewhat relieved because the actions of the officers on that night were bad enough without the added specter of racism.
As for Lodie, I don't know... and it's hard to know because LeAnn Kraft testified that Officer Soto straight up told her that it was the kid who passed through and returned who fired the gun. That kid would be Derek Lodie. Details, pictures and videos throughout the evening. NOTE: Kraft video is damaged on card and will not load to computer. Will have to play it through TV late night or first thing in the morning and capture it from a second camera.
Lastly, there was some interesting testimony on the line searches from Robert Murphy and State Trooper Edwards that indicated the search area extended all the way up to the parking lot, and was thorough.
Look closely. How does that Soto casing possibly land there? I ask the question in this Raw Footage Trial Video. Anybody who has shot a semi-automatic pistol has to look at that and say "whoa......." And the heat would have scored the face of that flimsy Gatorade bottle, shizzle. What a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Or is it more lies, the Same as it ever Was.
KingCast notes Boston Police Commissioner Davis to issue final decision on Justin "Jungle Monkey" Barrett within 2 weeks.

Stay tuned, as soon a I know, you will know.
Ten Day response to CORI release info. on Darrell Jones is now due.
It was sent on 12 Jan 2010 and receive by DOC on 13 Jan 2010.
#7009 2250 001 4617 6383 Certified U.S. Snail.
Time to make a few phone calls, even with U.S. Mail delays I should have a response this week. If I don't get a response I'll camp out at Governor Patrick's office.
PS: After we went public, they canceled the public hearing on CMR 103, the potentially unconstitutional revisions to visitation. Let's see if they try to underhand it through..... Read more here.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Dan Talbot murder trial 26 Jan. 2010: Lord of the Flies; Prosecutor Zabin says he's got it all in the bag.

The State also won on the issue of Michael Racca's testimony. Racca, inter alia (yes, I said it again LOL), is going to testify to a series of telephone calls coming in from Derek Lodie. Krupp wanted to be able to introduce the statement "some dudes shot at us and we fired back" as an excited utterance or a statement against penal interest to get around the hearsay rule, along with other expected testimony that Lodie told him "If you open your mouth you're gonna be the next one killed." The Lodie statement was not as crucial for the Defense but they definitely wanted the first one, but the Court held that it could have been the product of reflection and thus did not meet the standard necessary for admission under either theory.
The Court has not decided on whether it will offer a Jury Charge on Felony Murder or on Self Defense. Felony Murder is the legal construction that renders someone guilty if someone dies while the Defendant is in the commission of another felony, particularly a violent felony. Note also for those of you new to this case, there is what is called a Doctrine of Transferred Intent, which means that a jury could convict if they believe that Defendant Iacoviello pulled the trigger had the requisite intent to murder a rival gang member - because the police admitted they never identified themselves as police the entire time, for some reason.
Court: "I'm still somewhat in the dark as to how self defense could be in the picture."
Krupp: "The evidence is overwhelming that the incident with the person with the red shirt was precipitated by Daniel Talbot in particular was was drunk and talking gang talk and continued with verbal altercation as he and Soto began advancing towards the individual..... Soto's gun was in a visible position and the guy with the red shirt shot first, so it's self defense for anyone other than the person in the red shirt."
Also Defense witness Martin Schnall fought to a stalemate at best regarding the trajectory analysis, the best move for the Defense is just to note that the State failed to maintain the materials under chain of custody so that they could review it, and Neurologist Jeremy Schmahmann testified that 99% certain that Dan Talbot could not have fired his weapon after he was shot.
In other news Mindy Hull, M.E. testified that Officer Talbot's BAC was
Now I'll start the video uploads, I expect to load X/E of Defense witnesses on trajectory and the physician, the Medical Examiner on BAC and other issues, and I might load a short clip of Mr. DiPasquale testifying that "The casings are very hot" when ejected from a semi-automatic weapon. Well I know this, because I shoot guns occasionally and what I also know is this: It would take a freak miracle of nature for a spinning, flying casing to perfectly land in the grove of a Gatorade bottle on top of a trash can. Further, if it did land there one would be able to see some heat marks on the bottle, of that I am 99.9% certain.
Don't hold your breath, I have to watch them first to see what's what, then start uploading. First one will probably be up around 7:30.
LUNCH UPDATE: Well folks, yesterday in the Sweating Bullets post I showed you how Defense Attorney Krupp thought he was #1 with a bullet, but today Prosecutor Zabin says he’s got it all in the bag., and Lieutenant Condin noted that Robert Iacoviello’s Indictment was issued only after 34 witnesses testified before the Grand Jury.
The Prosecutor showed the Jury a back hallway at 11 Adams Court with a gun stock, ammo and other potential crime tools including liquid wrench in a child’s play table, a corona pail with a smashed up camera and other burned items, a box of burned clothing including a black and grey hoodie whose ownership is in dispute, and a bag full of tools allegedly used to destroy the currently-remanufactured 9mm Hi-Point. Clearly somebody had something to hide, the question is who?
“That all came from Michael Picardi’s address, right?”
Krupp attacked the line search by making Lieutenant Condin admit that Sergeant Murphy had informed him about the youth that came around the fence, point being why wasn’t the area near the fence made a priority, how could you have missed these two 9mm casings that were found in plain view, etc. etc.
“Did Murphy relate to you that kids had entered into that area by the fence?”
“I was told that they entered into that area.”
He also made Condit admit that he had no idea when the crime scene was unsecured, nor does he have a list of people who entered the crime scene area. He issued a question about the lack of Gun Shot Residue testing on Officer Soto or Sergeant Franklin, but that item was fairly dismissed by Zabin on Re Direct because both of them had been firing handguns all day.
On Re-Cross, Krupp later grilled him about the fact that no one conducted DNA testing on Officer Talbot’s bullets, 4 of which were non-spec hydra shock .40 cal.
The medical examiner is due up shortly, there will be no pictures of any of that, I have assured the family. I have a policy never to publish such photos. There will be audio, however, and edited video because her narrative is somewhat important to understand the nature of the injury – even though she testified that one still cannot infer position of the shooter.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Dan Talbot murder trial 25 Jan. 2010: Sweating bullets.
Please provide a copy of any and all documents that address the discipline, if any, of Officers Joseph Rizzuti and Antonio DeAllegro relative to any and all police brutality or any physical abuse complaints. Please also provide a copy of any and all documents pertaining to any Federal mandates or supervision to which the Revere Police Department has been subject to since 2000. Documents means emails, notes, memoranda all paper or electronic documents. Please respond within the 10 days allotted by MGL 66 § 10.
EVENING UPDATE: Anticipated videos will be Canavin X/E on hydra shock bullets, trajectory and found casings (3 vids), Re-Direct and 3 vids of Robert Iacoviello's police interview. I have no idea what was going on in that interview, I have to listen to it again. It's pretty vague except for that he bailed Gia Nagy out for some petty offense for $40 I believe and the part when he declares that "Cat" ran in to the party and said that "5 kids with gats ran up on a cop and shot him."
The reason for the tree pic is that there was projectile damage to a tree. Not sure where this is going but there was testimony that Defendant Iacoviello shot warning rounds into the air. And of course Krupp might be implying that the shot came from LE (either first or subsequent fire) but that it was off base and struck the tree. His bigger point, however -- and I can guarantee you this -- is that it wasn't thoroughly inspected. And as I stated earlier, a suspect investigation might yield the NG he's looking for. New pics are up, look for vids throughout the evening, should be starting around 7:30 and proceed from day to day as required.
Soooo..... The action continued hot and heavy this morning as Defense counsel, by and through Peter Krupp, attempted to poke holes in the testimony of Brian J. Canavin. I had previously noted that Mr. Canavin has a strong yet down-to-earth sort of presence. He handles the technical stuff well and he’s pretty convincing in his attempts to put the fatal bullet to the weapon he reassembled.
Krupp is in the process of making five basic contentions, all of which I believe I captured on video for review this evening:
1. Too many pieces parts of unknown spring tensions and other variables tainted the evaluative process.
2. The two 9MM shells that allegedly came from the reassembled gun that were found further away from the bleachers were not located in a timely fashion.
3. The injection molding process of a Hi-Point slide renders certain markings that are unique regardless of the sand-belt finishing that imparts unique specific characteristics.
4. Evidence was destroyed and not inventoried that could have helped establish the approach angle and effective height of the shooter who put the bullet into Officer Soto’s truck tire.
“Did you photograph the tire when it was off the car”
“Did you maintain the tire?”
“Did you maintain the bumper?”
5. Officer Talbot’s weapon had one non-spec hydra shock round in the chamber and 3 others in the magazine. The hydra schock round is on the right.
“Do you inventory or know where they were in the chamber?”
Frankly I don't think the State has made its case yet so Krupp thinks he's #1 with a bullet; let's see what the State can accomplish against his witnesses in the waning days of this historic trial. One of the .40 Cal police issue casings allegedly from Officer Soto's gun is precipitously poised on top of a Gatorade bottle, fascinating stuff here.
This was the supplemental loose-leaf material set up this morning concerning my review of another tragic police shooting:
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