In Boston, white prosecutor Suzanne Sullivan has run amok, failing to provide exculapatory evidence in the form of a conflicting statements from a cop whom Federal Judge Mark Wolf found to be a liar. We still await the imposition of sanctions for her behavior. I wonder if she would be afforded the same latitude if she were black. As we shall see in upcoming segments, blacks don't fare so well when the government officials start sanctioning licensed professionals.
[Judge] Wolf wrote last month to Eric H. Holder Jr., the US attorney general, asking him to crack down on prosecutors who fail to disclose information that could clear defendants, and repeated his past assessment that the Boston office has a "dismal history of intentional and inadvertent violations." Similar entreaties he made to Holder's predecessors in recent years achieved little, Wolf wrote.
Note: The Obama administration has sided with the Defense in Harrington, read about it in two paragraphs.....
Also in Boston, the Court soft-peddled the white prosecutor who did the same thing to Bernard Baran, who spent 21 years behind bars. I'll be following up to see what, if any discipline is meted out.
Answer: Nothing. Daniel Ford has even served as a Judge.
And now the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing the case of Terry Harrington vs. David Richter, as noted on NPR. These two black men were framed as boys and sent to prison for allegedly killing a white police officer in the snooty Council Bloughs, Iowa suburb back in 1977. In Boston these are echoes of the Jason Vassell case I've been following where bigoted white prosecutors selectively prosecute black males. From NPR:
The Supreme Court has indeed said that prosecutors are immune from suit for anything they do at trial. But in this case, Harrington and McGhee maintain that before anyone being charged, prosecutors gathered evidence alongside police, interviewed witnesses and knew the testimony they were assembling was false.
In New Hampshire former NH AG Kelly Ayotte -- the State's highest Prosecutor -- lied and fabricated evidence in the franconia shooting tragedy involving Liko Kenney, Bruce McKay and Gregory Floyd. Read these posts and check these videos at the book launch for Casey Sherman's "Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountains." Sherman calls for a new investigation as do former Franconia LE Brad Whipple and I. Sadly, instead of stepping down with some measure of dignity, Kelly Ayotte has the nerve to flee and run a campaign for U.S. Senate.
For shame, for shame. The North Country of New Hampshire is fighting back and I'm glad to be a part of that, read the Petition. I hope Terry Harrington and Curtis McGhee are permitted to sue the living daylights out of the public officials who race-baited an entire community and ruined these men's lives. Here's Terry Harrington leaving prison in April, 2009:

While Baran's case has been covered extensively in Massachusetts, and recently in the national media, one aspect of it still hasn't really been examined. Prosecutor Daniel Ford likely engaged in serious misconduct and open bigotry in winning his conviction of Baran. Yet in 25 years, Ford has never been investigated or disciplined for his role in the case. And since 1989, Ford has sat as a judge on the Massachusetts Superior Court. Ford's career trajectory and lack of accountability is the far too familiar product of the backward incentive structure that prosecutors work under. Convictions produce rewards, while abuse rarely comes with a penalty.
ReplyDeleteThe most serious allegation against Ford in this case concerns an edited video interview with the children he presented to the grand jury that indicted Baran. According to court documents, the video shows several children alleging that Baran had sexually abused them. But edited out was footage in which some of the children denied any abuse by Baran, accused other members of the daycare faculty of abuse or of witnessing abuse, and, most importantly, depicted interrogators asking the same questions over and over—even after repeated denials—until a child gave them an affirmative answer. Some children were even given rewards for their answers.