Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Senate hopeful Mike Capuano visits Grove Hall -- unlike his opponents or the major media, they stay away in droves.

I cannot directly endorse anyone on behalf of the station, but let's just say I like Mike for his stance on open government, Civil Rights and liberties. As to major media it's odd that a 6-Term Congressman and Contender for U.S. Senate shows up to meet the people and the only motion picture cameras are the ones shown here.

I just happened to be across the street at the station for my weekly KingCast Cases so I had my iPhone with me to capture the essence. Councilor Arroyo at large paid a visit and you can see Senator Owens and Councilor Yancey as well. It was a decent turnout, I took the camera picture early on so the seats filled up, actually.

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