Saturday, August 28, 2010

KingCast RSA 91-A request to NH AG Michael Delaney: Any and all fingerprint and GSR test results from the Franconia shooting tragedy.

Dear Attorney Delaney:

1. Please provide a copy of any and all Gunshot Residue (GSR) test results for:

1. Caleb Macaulay
2. Liko Kenney
3. Gregory Floyd
4. Bruce McKay

I know for fact that a GSR test was done on Caleb Macualay, and common sense indicates that GSR tests should have been performed on all four (4) men to determine exactly what happened and who fired the windshield bullet into Liko Kenney's vehicle (well actually it was Davey Kenney's vehicle and Mr. Kenney was freaking out about the damage being done to it when McKay was busy violating town pursuit polices). This is particularly true if McKay had not been to the firing range on that particular day, and there is no record that he was.

2. Please provide a copy of any and all fingerprint analyses as well. We all know that fingerprint analyses were conducted because your predecessor is a stickler for correct police procedure and a very thorough, honest and competent Attorney. You and I are both fully aware that Gregory Floyd went home with one of Liko Kenney's live rounds in his pocket, so I know you understand a bit about how guns work, and therefore you understand it is perfectly logical for someone to believe that Floyd could have inserted Liko Kenney's second magazine into his Hi-Point .45 that day. And that of course would be important because it would mean that we have Floyd -- in addition to all of his other lies and flipped stories -- making Liko Kenney appear to be a threat to him in a post hoc sort of way.

3. Also please provide any and all documentation indicating that the office ever investigated the "43 kills" Gregory Floyd claimed to have done as writer Casey Sherman noted in the above video.

As you know, Floyd originally said that he didn't say a word to Liko Kenney before he shot him, then he changed his story and your predecessor went with his last version, for some reason. Floyd is still incarcerated for several violations of the law involving guns and criminal threats and such, a real class act.

4. Lastly, provide a copy of any and all correspondence between the NH AG's Office and one Richard Nadeau regarding the RSA 91-A requests he sent to the office that went ignored. Make sure to provide all of his requests and all of the Ayotte Administration responses.

Respectfully submitted,
Christopher King, J.D.

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