Sunday, September 19, 2010

KingCast hosts "The Fighter" trailer from Casey Sherman's "Bad Blood" movie producer Dorothy Aufiero.

As noted, Casey Sherman congratulated me on several occasions for my relentless and ongoing 3-year expose on this matter, culminating in a Wrongful Death/Civil Rights lawsuit filed on behalf of Liko Kenney, as local licensed counsel helped prepare same for Liko Kenney's father, Davey Kenney. Document to be hosted shortly at this link.

Meanwhile read police pursuit procedures and excerpts from the book here, and see what U.S. Senate hopeful Kelly Ayotte hid from the World Public about multiple Gregory Floyd and his lies here.

Now we all know that Kelly Ayotte ran a completely false investigation into whether Greg Floyd murdered Liko Kenney, and whether Liko Kenney shot Bruce McKay out of fear for his safety. That's why they have no responsive documents to the first three (3) out of five (5) RSA 91-A Public Records requests. These requests are heavy and they concern fingerprint analysis, gunshot residue analysis and information how How Gregory Floyd may have unloaded the first clip and loaded the second clip of Liko Kenney's Hi-Point to make him appear more dangerous AFTER he shot, and likely murdered him. That's pretty much the only way you go home with one of Liko's live rounds in your shirt pocket, which is exactly what Floyd did. And that's a FACT.

After he shot out Liko Kenney's winshield and lied about it, of course. I proved all of that with the official court documents hosted at the Casey Sherman "Bad Blood: Freedom and Death in the White Mountain" book launch. This is why US Senate Hopeful Kelly Ayotte threatened to arrest me at her public event 3 weeks ago when I showed up to ask a few simple questions, as noted in the bottom video.

Read Try Gregory Floyd for Murder, whose primary author is retired JAG Attorney Bill Christy. I provided some editing remarks that were incorporated, then Bill got scared and changed his position like a scared little puppy that peed itself. He then started calling me a "nigger" and "motherfucker," (YouTube audio) never a dull moment at

King -- Reel News for Real People.

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