Here's the story by Jessica Van Sack, about 30-year veteran Marion McGovern. I'll let you read the comments to see the asinine reactions the claim she was promoted out of some sort of Affirmative Action quest, implication being that he somehow benefits from so doing. She's a 30-year veteran of the department, who began her career as a trooper in 1979 and rose through the ranks.
"This is something that happens once in a lifetime and I'm glad it's happened to me," said McGovern.
McGovern will take the reigns from retiring Colonel Mark Delaney. He says he's proud to have promoted McGovern twice. "When I came on the job 35 years ago, there wasn't a female trooper on the job…I'm honored that a woman is going to succeed me as colonel."
Newsflash: If Deval Patrick wanted to avoid controversy he would have named another Irish Caucasian male.
Specifically, what upsets me is how the allegation is made, however implicitly, that Ms. McGovern is not qualified. I would ask that if anyone has any credible proof or evidence to support that assertion that they email it to us right here at:
-The Editor.