Elizabeth Scheibel is under Order to provide YEARS of empirical racial information because her office has been railroading black men with impunity when they defend themselves against white attackers.
Anyway, something has to happen to these prosecutors because Judge Wolf (who has not yet punished Suzanne Sullivan) wrote Attorney Holder on this:
[Judge] Wolf wrote last month to Eric H. Holder Jr., the US attorney general, asking him to crack down on prosecutors who fail to disclose information that could clear defendants, and repeated his past assessment that the Boston office has a "dismal history of intentional and inadvertent violations." Similar entreaties he made to Holder's predecessors in recent years achieved little, Wolf wrote.Here's what happened the last time I went to the DOJ and DOL:
$290,000.00 fine (errrr.... "Settlement") with American Tower that benefitted employees of all races, ethnicity, color, sex, age, religion..... and that's important because once prosecutors are compelled to start towing the line and to stop lying, that will all inure to the benefit of the Cause of Justice. For everyone. You see, while we at TOUCH 106.1 FM are a black-owned and black priority station we care about issues that affect the entire community and the World in which we live.
Funny, Bill Christy of the Bill Christy Project wrote me once to tell me I did not have a clue to the pulse of any community be it white Plum Island or black Boston. But then again he's just one of those white guys who thinks they can put me in the same camp with Reverend Al Sharpton on all issues and label us both "n*****s and Massey-Fergusons." At least that what he says in this YouTube video.
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