And here is the coverage (Boston Herald coverage with skanky fingernail treatment is here) yesterday's arrest of Mayor Menino's East Boston rep John Forbes:
"I was deeply troubled and disheartened this morning to learn of the arrest and ongoing investigation of one of our employees, John Forbes," Menino said in a statement. "The charges against him are extremely serious, and his alleged behavior is completely unacceptable."
True that, if proved. It is also completely unacceptable to have ANY AMOUNT of cocaine in your car -- not even "a small amount consistent with personal use," whether you are LE, a jake, or ordinary citizen working on the other side of the thin blue line.
UPDATE: Joseph Fasano was probably coked up:
"Authorities have said Fasano had cocaine on his face when rescue workers arrived and traces of the drug were also found in the Jeep he was driving. Bynarowicz, 34, of Quincy, who owns the Jeep, told police the cocaine was hers."
The kicker: I was praising NH AG Kelly Ayotte on the fateful morning of 5/11 on her earnest efforts to curb synthetic drug abuse.
Related link: Local 718's firefightthesmears blog and Chris King's "9/11 and the Negative Space."
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