At some point Brother Charles purportedly told someone else to ask me to disavow any association, so this blog is now about my experiences and what SHOULD be covered by TOUCH 106.1 FM but which are not. I am critical of the station and of Brother Charles so this blog is covered by Fair Use. Visit King's 1st Amendment Page: Reel news for real people.
They read all about the emails to and From Mary Beth Heffernan vis a vis Governor Deval Patrick as seen in this post, so they know all about the Herald calling a black man "Boone the Coon," and they know all about the well overdue Public Records Request I issued last month. I won't dare to imagine what they are interested in, but whatever the case, life sure is about to be interesting for a whole lot of people. I've got my cameras and popcorn at the ready to record every single public event. Meanwhile the DOC has invited Ms. Marinova to participate in visitor policy evaluation, not long after she and I posted about the proposed policy changes to CMR 103 that were blatantly Unconstitutional. Turns out Governor Patrick didn't even know about the proposed changes, that's what a little birdy told us.
Here's the protea post from the day I took Ms. Marinova on over to Todd & Weld so they could sort this mess out and start holding people accountable for Defamation and blatant CORI violations, I love it. I absolutely love my work, can't wait to get on the new, bigger radio station and public access we're gonna rock Boston, let me clear my throat, ahem :)
The hater is noted in para. 2. Okay, so if Justin Barrett was never fired, and is on tour of duty in Mattapan, then that means that LE Commissioner Davis lied to us, and this is something that, what, you are proud of? That guy is so stupid he can't even string two sentences together without grammatical error, it's a wonder how he fills out his it right here.
Just down the road from me (exactly 1 mile), on a street I pass several times a week, two beautiful young girls died as a result of poor lifestyle choices and the beastly actions of one Nicole Chuminski, who actually SET FIRE to a row house out of spite and anger against their mother, Anna Reisopoulos. Here is an excellent Boston Globe editorial by Peter Gelzinis on that. Sophia and Acia Johnson were pretty much born into a life of hell, and they in turn died a hellish death.
Update: The Boston Herald today reported that a "retired" former ADA John Kivlan said there was nothing wrong in the investigative process, blah blah blah. Too bad that dude is a shill for former DA Delahunt, that's why I put the huge page capture up front and center. The States of NH and MA always fail to produce good ballistics when they are covering up something, up to and including the placement of shell casings in police murder trials.
Note: Read Stephen Doherty's nightmare account of wrongful imprisonment as a result of DA William Delahunt, the same DA whose malfeasance (along with that of former Braintree Chief John Polio) is likely a substantial reason Amy Bishop slipped through the system in the first place. ********* Huntsville, Alabama will never be the same after a white woman gunned down three minorities, but LE in New England will keep on keepin' on, stuck on stupid and doing favors for their own. And that in turn will lead to death and agony. CBS News asks if she murdered her own brother.
From the Boston Herald's "Quincy man recalls Amy Bishop holdup." LE let her go instead of giving orders to shoot to kill or even charging her with attempted armed robbery and felonious assault with a deadly weapon spec when someone not well-connected -- or dare I say a minority suspect -- would have had their heads blown off considering she had just bust a cap in her own brother, Seth:
Pettigrew then watched as Bishop walked through the dealership looking at cars, all the while grasping the gun.
By then, police arrived and swarmed the parking lot. One armed officer climbed up on a nearby roof, Pettigrew said, and could have taken her out.
Instead, they arrested her. Braintree police Chief Paul Frazier has said officers on duty claim they were forced by retired former Chief John Polio to let Bishop, whose mother was a member of the police personnel board, go. Polio denies that and said then-District Attorney William Delahunt investigated the case and ruled it an accident.
I wrote: A-ha!
As a former Assistant Attorney General I can safely tell you that this is a story of LE run amok, and it is nothing new.
I put up 36 videos of the Dan Talbot murder trial and have reviewed the cop-on-cop shooting at a closed Concord NH credit union and in both instances shell casing and/or gun removal from a crime scene and other protocol were flat out VIOLATED WITH IMPUNITY, with no substantial recourse. But no substantial punishments for these violations because they are LE and/or friends of LE c'mon folks connect the dots here.
And let's not forget the 7 specific OC Spray and Pursuit policies (see item #9) that Franconia's Bruce McKay violated in ramming Liko Kenney's car off the road over an underlying simple registration violation, when the AG's office and Town of Franconia BOTH refused to issue any analysis of the stop -- because there were obviously Constitutional violations implicated.
Now DA Dan Conley and his Press Secretary Jake Wark can be as nasty to me as they want to be for exposing government malfeasance to the general public in ways never done before (watch the video), but it's not going to change the fact that the thin blue line must, at times, be crossed.
Read it right here with respect to Concord, NH Sergeant Steven Smagula, who shot Officer Joshua Levasseur at a closed credit union during some impromptu "training session" after midnight, then removed the spent casing from the scene prior to photography or drawings could be rendered. Consider this before you click over:
Officer Deadly Force Policy IV B(f): “Ensure that guns are not opened, loaded, unloaded, shell casings removed, or in any other way tampered with….”
Now how hard is that for a trained Sergeant or experienced LE (or even a cadet or a trained dog) to remember?
Given my conversation with him, I am 99.9% certain I can speak in Agreement with Paul Talbot in requesting that your office provide a copy of any and all documents in your possession that relate to Dan Talbot's last official act as a Revere Police Officer, as noted in this post via Seth Daniel, regarding William Settipane and Vincent Giachetti.
As I have noted in KingCast YouTube videos linked at this post, I consider Officer Talbot's actions in that regard to be substantial and very important to the Cause of Justice. I am certain that you would want the public to know more about the situation if the matter is closed, conversely I am certain you would want the public to know that your office is working on the case if it is still open. I will forward my NENPA Press number to you next week before your ten (10) days have expired per Statute.
You have, as I understand, three (3) legal options. 1. You are either in possession of documents or you are not. 2. You are going to provide the documents because the investigation has been closed. 3. You are not going to provide the documents because the investigation is open.
Please respond within the 10 days allotted by MGL 66 § 10.
cc: Terence Reardon
Very Truly Yours, Christopher King, J.D.
I asked Jake Wark for an apology (watch this video where I had previously stated he was "always professional and courteous" at 4:29) but guess I was wrong: He apparently sees nothing wrong with his actions of giggling like a child while his boss takes a crap on the First Amendment, so hater is as hater does, there you go.
Here is what the Search retrieved. As to spelling, well hey let's hope that my name and the name of the paper were just fat-finger typos; in the Lord of the Flies post I fat-fingered Officer Talbot's BAC as .016 rather than 0.16 so these things do happen. Search Engine Phrase chirstopher king revere journel Search Engine Name Google Search Engine Host IP Address Mass_DA_2 [Edit Label] Country United States Region Massachusetts City Boston ISP Massachusetts District Attorneys Association Returning Visits 0 Visit Length Multiple visits spread over more than one day
PS: Revere Police Officer Dan Talbot's last official act. Read it carefully because it's a Hot One, and it is the bravery that I referenced in this video at 1:30 I would hope that DA Conley follows up on it, maybe I will ask him about it next time I see him. In fact, I'm sure that I will so Dan and Jake you are on Actual Notice so you can get your acts together and muster some semblance of professionalism in honor of a fallen LE and stop trying to take a p*ss on me, don't you'll find yourselves looking into the wind.
I was having an interesting dialogue with one of the Dan Talbot murder trial jurors in this William Soto spent casing post when it dawned on me:
As noted in this post on the eve of Martha Coakley's loss to Scott Brown, Martha Coakley was part of a rabid prosecution of against the Amirault family and Fells Acre School. Gerald Amirault came home long after A Juror came forward in that case, as noted in Dorothy Rabinowitz's Wall Street Journal story, posted here in the Pulitzer archives, "A Juror has second thoughts."
"We did not know the children were inappropriately interviewed," writes the juror -- nor did he or the rest of the jurors know how authorities and parents influenced that testimony.
"If I knew then, what I know now from reading the newspaper, I would not have convicted Mr. Amirault," he adds. The juror's letter concludes with a final plea to "release Mr. Amirault and undo a terrible wrong."
Gerald, it was alleged, had plunged a wide-blade butcher knife into the rectum of a 4-year-old boy, which he then had trouble removing. When a teacher in the school saw him in action with the knife, she asked him what he was doing, and then told him not to do it again, a child said. On this testimony, Gerald was convicted of a rape which had, miraculously, left no mark or other injury......
.....In 2000, the Massachusetts Governor's Board of Pardons and Paroles met to consider a commutation of Gerald's sentence. After nine months of investigation, the board, reputed to be the toughest in the country, voted 5-0, with one abstention, to commute his sentence. Still more newsworthy was an added statement, signed by a majority of the board, which pointed to the lack of evidence against the Amiraults, and the "extraordinary if not bizarre allegations" on which they had been convicted.
Martha Coakley is running a similar game, by and through the Massachusetts Division of Banks, against a black woman named Cat Gibbons, check the video here. Gibbons is believed to be one of only three black female mortgage brokers in Massachusetts, and she held a #1 rating until the shenanigans set into play by the Division, which ignored her earlier complaints against white-owned businesses including Fidelity Guarantee, even though Fidelity had received a Cease and Desist Order in Vermont for similar unethical practices. See Fidelity Guarantee Mortgage Corporation v. T Reben, 809 F2d 931 (1987).
Today's Boston Globe reports Deyquan Gomez was shot twice in the abdomen while in the area of 619 Cummins Highway. He was brought to Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Channel 7 reports indicate that the drive by was definitely targeted toward the victim as two other youth walking with him were unharmed.
If anyone should have any clues please contact the BPD or if you are apprehensive about that contact us at and we can speak on the phone about it and we will forward the information.
Of course we all know that DA Conley knew I had court credentials from Judge Brady and he knew that other respected people in the Criminal Justice field had applauded and top-ranked my blog (see comments) but whatever, when you are fighting oppression you need all of the weapons you can get, and by golly dammit you bet I'm going to get them.
As to DA Conley and his haterism, I can't explain it, I made Prosecutor Zabin and him look so damn good, chromatic aberrations of the S5 IS notwithstanding, I might see if I can transplant the lens from the S2 IS onto the S5, the S2 has less video capability but clearly takes higher quality pictures!
WBZ reports -- Three women from the Boston area face a variety of charges after a police chase and cruiser crash in New Hampshire.
Portsmouth police say it started Friday night in Seabrook, where an officer was trying to stop a Toyota being driven erratically on Route 1....(snip).
Let's hope these ladies get the help that they need for their apparent drug addiction and attendant problems that it brings. Not that prison is too much into rehabilitation, they primarily just do whatever is necessary to clock dollars there, it's like legalized slingin' (of privatized services to get government funding and search and seizure proceeds). Here's how they do it in Tenaha, Texas. Remember Eddie Murphy said "Better not go to Texas...."
You could stand there and fire all day long and never have that happen, plus the bottle would have been burned, who do they think they are fooling? If you were a kid and told that story your parents would have sent your ass out to get a switch.
They ain't foolin' me and that's why Conley can't stand me.
But I know Cengage Learning is pickin' up what I'm puttin' down. Heck, watch for Mythbusters and CSI to run with it next season, soon they'll be watching, too. They have writers who search the Internet for stuff like this, 'natch.
Sam_Shaulson_wrong_on_KingCast_professionalism Citibank claims they lawfully refused to open a bank account for me while they opened one for my Caucasian girlfriend because I became boisterous when they refused to cash Derrick Gillenwater's check. But I didn't, and that's the real reason Citibank refused to offer that tape for public view, I would have gladly blue-dotted everyone else to show my demeanor at the bank that day because I was chill. I recently proved that they lied about what the teller saw, too, watch this video.
Now as to why DA Conley was so nasty to me, ignoring me while speaking to Caucasian journalists who publish my photos, well I'm an intelligent, assertive observer --and a black man -- making some very disquieting observations about the quality of his team's investigation in the Dan Talbot murder trial, in which I have posted some 36 KingCast YouTube videos. He claims it was something to be proud of, but reasonable minds can and do find it lacking in crucial areas -- and potentially even fabricated. Read this post about the spent casing that made a miraculous landing into the crevice of a Gatorade bottle without even scoring its plastic, and listen to the testimony of the Sergeant who leads up the range testing.
Anyway, watch as Dan Conley totally disrespects me but I keep my cool and keep on with the video, even as the press secretary Jake Wark is reduced to giggles.
As a matter of course, DA Dan Conley is a wannabe-bully, Press Secretary Jake Wark is a silly-man giggler and I am cool, calm and collected: Habit “is the person’s regular practice of meeting a particular kind of situation with a specific type of conduct,” whereas character “is a generalized description of one’s disposition, or of one’s disposition in respect to a general trait, such as honesty, temperance, or peacefulness.” Figueiredo v. Hamill, 385 Mass. at 1004, 431 N.E.2d at 232, quoting Advisory Committee Notes, Fed. R. Evid. 406. As noted in the comments, a private citizen is sending me his video from the occasion he was so shocked as well.
One day I want DA Conley to look me in the face and straight up tell me
"I know that .40 cal casing on that Gatorade bottle really flew there and landed just like that."
Shortly after that he will disappear into the horizon as he walks across the Charles River in Jesus sandals.
I have complimented Dan Conley's office when they did a good job (Stroman) and I have repeatedly said that both lead counsel (Prosecutor Zabin and Defense counsel Peter Krupp) in this case "performed admirably," but apparently that's not enough for DA Dan Conley. No Sir. So he refuses to talk to me because he doesn't like me airing dirty LE laundry as I did with the 34 Dan Talbot murder trial videos and daily commentary about the trial. Such coverage included some possible Appellate issues and questions about why known repeat criminal Michael Picardi was not charged, even though he was admittedly the mastermind in destroying the murder weapon, see numbered para. 1. Dear Attorney Conley: You indicated you wouldn't talk to me even after I get the press credentials. Suit yourself, if you want to show up on YouTube videos being a jerk the rest of your life, I will be more than happy to help you with that. "Am I a credentialed journalist?" Fool I've been a daily reporter years ago and I'm credentialed enough to have run the most complete coverage of ANY MEDIA of this trial, so there you go. I've never even bothered with the credential process here in Mass because if someone has a Good Heart and integrity as a public official, they don't bother playing games like that. But you Sir, showed your true colors today.
I don't know who you think you are, but don't you ever put your finger in my face again, are we clear?
In another video that is uploading folks will note that Patty Talbot and I exchange pleasantries. I'm cool with her, and I'm all right with Officer Talbot's brother Paul, we have had respectful exchanges on several occasions, especially when they asked about the autopsy photos that I have a policy never to publish. And whether any of you haters can appreciate this or not, I have not said one bad word about Officer Talbot other than what he and the others were engaged in on that fateful night, so stuff it. And that means you too, Attorney Conley. See you at the next trial.
Now then on to the sentencing and victim comments and statements from counsel: Defendant Iacoviello has about 200 days left on his successive sentence for the weapons charge, then 15-life at the discretion of the parole board. Defendant Heang will get 3-6, typed statements coming later tonight or over the weekend in this same post. But to me, the Real Story is the contempt that DA Dan Conley showed a taxpayer and resident of the Commonwealth and former AAG today. KingCast is only going to get bigger, stronger and better, so we're in for some hellified videos if he maintains that attitude. Get your popcorn.
My support and encouragement for the Justice for Jason campaign and anyone involved with it. This case makes Massachusetts look like 1960's Mississippi and that's a FACT. Read my blog post, with a link to an excellent Boston Banner story, excerpt:
Outside the dorm were John C. Bowes, then 20, and his friend Jonathan Bosse, then 19, both from Milton, Mass. Bowes and Bosse were not UMass students; they were on campus visiting friends and had been to a party earlier. When they were tested later that morning, Bowes’ blood alcohol content was .18 percent and Bosse’s was .26 percent. Both exceeded the .08 percent legal limit to operate a motor vehicle in Massachusetts; Bowes by more than twice the limit and Bosse by more than three times.
The woman at the window later told police that one of the men said he wanted to hang out with her and be her friend, and that “she was ‘creeped out’ by his demeanor and the fact that he had been spying on them through the window.” Vassell told the men to leave, and witnesses say they shouted threats and racial slurs, challenging him to come outside and fight them. When he refused, they broke his window.
KingCast says: We need some Civil Rights up in here, Quick Fast and in a Hurry.
In response to the "weakest link" post, it was Officer William Soto, and it supports my contention that a hung jury was close. Before I had video access I noted "Soto blasted on cross-examination."
I was a juror on this trial. We discounted Soto's testimony pretty much as his was so different than everyone else . This cop was pretty shady all around. He was the one who removed the two guns (his & talbots) from the murder scene. His testimony had changed much too often from the Grand jury account .. Lodi having the gun that ended up killing Talbot just made no sense. The elder Hung, Bobby and Tommy were the only 3 it came down to. We believed Tommy was coming clean and telling the truth. Hung is a worm of a human being. None of his testimony was taken to account.He threw his own kid brother under the bus... He did not have to involve him at all . ALL roads lead to Bobby no matter how you slice it. We spent hours on trying to decide if he was to be convicted of murder 1 or 2. We had two hold outs for murder 1 and thought we would be a hung jury. In the end it was pretty clear we all made the correct decision.
I'm not so certain I come to the same conclusion, but part of the reason for that is because of the proffered testimony of one Michael Racca -- that the Jury did not hear. Anyway, I wonder how much longer some of these LE will be around. I foresee some personnel (and hopefully policy) changes on the Horizon.
In response to this story that calls Robert Iacoviello "a pint-size punk" I wrote, in pertinent part:
Too bad the shot was not "between the eyes" why bother with the sensationalism, this case was ugly enough as it is, and you know what the Forewoman said, the LE's actions were "totally reprehensible."
But the Herald is about to catch a lesson about their slimy ways, run a word search for these scumbag yellow "journalists" in the top left corner of this blog, he-heh.
I was told that a Recommendation was issued that a final determination would be coming forthwith, i.e. "within two weeks." Well two weeks have not yet passed, but what is the Delay? We all know the facts. And we all know that the ultimate discretion will be with the Commissioner. And we all know that litigation is likely but hey that's the price we pay for living in a Free Society, right. Fire him immediately and make your call on the pension issue according to precedent, but do it now, Sir. You said you were committed to firing him in no uncertain terms based on the facts as you knew them, and those facts have not changed, it's pretty much cut and dried. State Banner coverage. Look: The cats who attacked Jason Vassell have a history of racially-motivated activities. Two years ago to the day at UMASS Amherst John Bose and Jonathan Bosse started with racial taunts and epithets, broke his ground-floor window, and rushed inside his dorm room and broke his nose, all because he was chillin' with a white girl. In self defense, after repeatedly telling these scumbags not to advance, he slashed them with a pocket knife. Good for him, it's called the Castle Doctrine, MGL 278 8A and had two black men attacked a white man I'm Sheibel probably would have applied it.
But racist Prosecutor Elizabeth Scheibel's office -- who has a history of prosecuting black men who defend themselves against racist white men -- has thrown the book at Jason Vassell and he faces up to 30 years for his "crimes" while she sought only minimal punishment against his attackers. No destruction of property, no public intoxication, no trespassing, etc. etc.
As a former NAACP Legal Chair I say the NAACP should get involved, after all they just prevailed in Maryland, obtaining a Court Order for 10,000 documents concerning racial profiling.
I won't be able to make the vigil tonight but I hope they send me a YouTube video to post. Also I am still trying to find out where the case sits as far as the Supreme Court Order to provide five years of prosecution data that may show disparate treatment of blacks, particularly black males. The next protest is not going to occur at night, because if there is another protest I'm going to organize it for broad daylight, march right into that office and lay it on the line, yessir. And one of the LE involved, specifically one Lieutenant Thrasher, appropriately enough, shows his racist tendencies when he calls Mr. Vassell "A Donkey drug dealer" when in fact he was an honor student, community volunteer and first of his family to attend college. Lieutenant Thrasher is no different than another dirtbag LE in Boston named Justin "Jungle Monkey" Barrett, who had better be fired this week.
As a former LE Attorney, I hate pigs like you because you wreck The Game for responsible Officers, and you need to get gone.
My Caucasian brother in law said it best:"These two white men and that Prosecutor disgrace my race."
Sooo...... After more than two years of heartache and 2.5 days of deliberation, closure has arrived for Patty Talbot in the form of Guilty Verdicts against Robert Iacoviello, Jr. (Murder 2 and Firearm possession) and James Heang (Accessory, NG on possession). No charges brought against Michael Picardi due to "prosecutorial discretion" as noted in the above video, even though the State knows that he was the chief mastermind in disassembling the murder weapon.
Sentencing will come at a later date per request of the Defendants, and victim statements will be taken later as well. Seated next to Ms. Talbot, the Victim's advocate told her "Both Paul and Connie said the same thing, they're not ready."
Ms. Talbot -- with whom I have a cordial rapport, despite what you haters have to say -- was sobbing throughout most of the courtroom verdict procedure and unlike other reporters, I didn't bother trying to ask her for a comment, it's just not the Right Time.
It was a hotly-contested case and there will be hotly-contested appeals based on the issues I have set forth in this blog, and some others. "He didn't do it, and we will appeal to the SJC,"offered Defense Attorney Peter Krupp.
Wherever that leaves the State and the Defendants and the families is neither here or there at this point, but what is here and there for us as a society to think about is the fact that Youth and LE had better start acting in a more mature fashion out on these streets, or tragedies like this one are bound to repeat themselves. Also, I was correct in my analysis, 100% because the Jury did not find for Murder 1:
Another lawyer got on the elevator with me today at lunch break. We look at each other and nod. There is a long, hard blink between us and we almost immediately knew each other as former LE Attorneys watching a horrible case. There was silent communication between us that what happened is a shame all around. He broke the silence first.
"That's gonna' take a lot of rehabilitation there," he said, speaking of how dinged-up Krupp left Papandrea on the witness stand.
"I know, Man," I responded. "That was pretty ugly in there."
"You don't get to murder one on that witness, no you don't." ******* I'm still not clear how we got a Murder 2 charge on the table, and if Krupp did not ask for it that may be part of an appeal.
KingCast: Like it or not, I'm talking about the Real Issues.
Over and Out,
The KingCaster.
Related post:Closing Arguments. And to you haters, I would have recorded the State's closing argument as well, but with major media there I was prohibited, this matter was addressed and everything is okay now, I spoke with the Chief Bailiff, but more rules will need to be crafted. PS: At top, two of my favorite pictures of the lead warriors Krupp and Edmund Zabin -- but also dig the big picture of Zabin next to Channel 7, catch his parabolic reflection in the eyeglass, nice.
KingCast photo, Slades wallside. I am not for the abolition of Black History Month -- American Indians, blacks, women the Irish and other minorities made sacrifices (or were slaughtered) and contributions all the time in the building of this country but isn't it ironic that it is the shortest and coldest month? Even though I ski, I'm looking forward to warmer weather and Juneteenth.
I took a few moments to discuss this case with the Prosecutors. They were relieved to obtain some measure of Justice in this twisted case, which was tried a Jury directly across the vestibule from the State v. Iacoviello/Revere Police Dan Talbot murder trial I am blogging. Read the Stroman case for yourself, it's a World Gone Mad.
TOUCH 106.1 FM claims to be community-minded and to recognize the universal need for social, legal, political and economic fairness for all people.
To that end, TOUCH 106.1 FM has sponsored events or worked with many organizations and corporations.
.......... However, ultimately, the Station does not support any continued and intensive investigation into troubling socio-political issues.
......I was a co-host of many evening drive-time shows called "TOUCH Beat" that received little to no support from Brother Charles, a former Law Enforcement Officer as am I. For some reason, however, he often acts like a gatekeeper but I push the issues with color commentary and in-court video.
C'est la vie.